Abigail Tuller Abigail Tuller

Why Tech Startups Should Hire Content Generalists

Here are my thoughts on the ill-advised hiring trend in content marketing — specialization. I spell out why a content generalist may be the way to go for startups. This is a heads-up to the hiring manager who understands time in the early stage is valuable and turnover is toxic.

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Abigail Tuller Abigail Tuller

The Power of Thought Leadership

So you’re a member of the C-suite or a Vice President of a promising new startup that’s finally ready to scale—amazing! Blood, sweat, and tears don’t even begin to describe what you’ve put into the company. But you’re tapped out; you can’t possibly add anything to your plate to raise the next round, get acquired, go public, add headcount, or just keep the lights on. Well, there is something you can and must do to move your company to the next level. You need to take the advice of your Chief Marketing Officer and start working with an executive ghostwriter.

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